My journalism has been featured on the cover of TIME magazine and in other print publications including The Wall Street Journal, Outside magazine, and Sunset. It has been translated into French, syndicated in U.S. outlets like the San Francisco Chronicle and The Week, and cited in The Best American Travel Writing 2020 anthology.

Primarily a cultural writer, I pen profiles, essays, and criticism, occasionally. I have lived in three countries and have reported from around the globe, including from one of the most remote inhabited atolls in the world.

Previously, I worked on staff at the magazines Sunset and Outside, where I fact checked legally and emotionally fraught features about a trans rock climber, Tibetan self-immolators, and an outdoorswoman who died by suicide after being sexually assaulted.

Now a full-time freelancer based in Northern California, I’m a research editor at Preservation magazine and a fact checker at The Atavist. I’ve checked stories for publications including Columbia Journalism Review; The California Sunday Magazine’s late, live sister production, Pop-Up Magazine; and many others.

I am also a formally trained copyeditor. Want to connect about freelance reporting, fact checking or editing assignments? Reach me at alisonevanhouten [at] gmail [dot] com.

For businesses seeking editorial services for marketing purposes — in fields unrelated to what I cover as a journalist — click here.